

Filippo Giorgi
ICTP scientist emeritus Filippo Giorgi discusses life and the future of climate change 
Earth System Physics
Acqua alta Venice
Study by ICTP and collaborators assesses effectiveness of Venice flood barriers against severe…
Earth System Physics
Filippo Giorgi
Head of ICTP’s Earth System Physics section is confirmed world’s influential researcher
Earth System Physics
ICTP climate scientists describe the techniques used to model El Niño events
Earth System Physics
ICTP climate scientists discuss the history of the meteorological phenomenon
Earth System Physics
ICTP-EAIFR is Hiring
Solid-earth physics faculty position available
Earth System Physics
Deadline 15 March 2019
Regional climate modeling postdoctoral positions at ICTP
Earth System Physics
PhD Programme in Earth Science, Fluid Dynamics and Mathematics
Programme in Earth Science, Fluid Dynamics and Mathematics
Earth System Physics
A Model Student
ICTP alum publishes work on Diploma climate thesis
Earth System Physics
State of the Earth
ICTP at European Geosciences Union 2018
Earth System Physics
Postdoctoral Opportunities at ICTP
Regional climate modeling positions available
Earth System Physics
Professor Abdourahamane Konaré
Abdourahamane Konaré
Earth System Physics