Support ICTP

"Science is a common heritage of all humankind" (Abdus Salam, Founding Director)
ICTP combines excellence in research with a unique global mission for international cooperation through science. In carrying on the legacy of our founder, it is our core belief that science is a shared language that transcends national boundaries and provides a common platform for dialogue.
ICTP was envisioned as an international hub for advanced science and as an anchor for building scientific capacity in the developing world. Our rich offering of science activities - from joint-degree programs, to annual conferences, schools and workshops, to our associates program and more --benefit scientists from every corner of the globe. Today, ICTP is building on that vision, taking into account changing realities and priorities.
As we work toward that, an important strategy for the future is increasing resources through fundraising. ICTP has long been the beneficiary of many private individual and organizational donors who have supported countless scientists and programs here in Trieste and throughout the world. Increasing philanthropic support allows ICTP to ensure its legacy and expand for the future.
Visit our impact page to see and hear firsthand stories from past ICTP participants.
No donation is too small to make a difference. ICTP's community extends far and wide and we invite that community to join us in these efforts. By contributing to ICTP, you support not only a world-class research and education centre, but also the sustainable development of humanity.
For U.S. and European donors with questions about tax-deductible contributions, please contact us here.