


Scientists in ICTP's Earth System Physics section publish their research in some of the world's most prestigious journals; for the latest publications, see below.

Journal article
Geophysical Research Letters (2024)
Shuai Li | Fred Kucharski | Jie Yang | ZhiQiang Gong | Yuxuan Zhao | Guolin Feng
Book chapter
Climate Change and Global Health (2024)
Colin D. Butler, | Cyril Caminade | Andrew P. Morse
Journal article
Climate Dynamics (2024)
Lou, W. | Sun, C. | Kucharski, F. | Li, J. | Liu, Y.
Journal article
Climate Dynamics (2024)
Rashid, I.U. | Abid, M.A. | Osman, M. | Kucharski, F. | Ashfaq, M. | Weisheimer, A. | Almazroui, M. | Torres-Alavez, J.A. | Afzaal, M.
Journal article
Ocean Science (2024)
Arthur Prigent | Riccardo Farneti
Journal article
Scientific Reports (2024)
Rodrigue Anicet Imbol Koungue | Peter Brandt | Arthur Prigent | Léo Costa Aroucha | Joke Lübbecke | Arielle Stela N. Imbol Nkwinkwa | Marcus Dengler | Noel Keenlyside
Journal article
Water Resources Research (2024)
Mame Diarra Bousso Dieng | Adrian M. Tompkins | Joël Arnault | Ali Sié | Benjamin Fersch | Patrick Laux | Maximilian Schwarz | Pascal Zabré | Stephen Munga | Sammy Khagayi | Ibrahima Diouf | Harald Kunstmann
Journal article
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (2024)
Luca Caporaso | Gregory Duveiller | Graziano Giuliani | Filippo Giorgi | Martin Stengel | Emanuele Massaro | Matteo Piccardo | Alessandro Cescatti
Journal article
Climate Dynamics (2024)
Arthur Prigent | Rodrigue Anicet Imbol Koungue | Joke F. Lübbecke | Peter Brandt | Jan Harlaß | Mojib Latif
Journal article
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans (2024)
Cristina Arumí‐Planas | Shenfu Dong | Renellys Perez | Matthew J. Harrison | Riccardo Farneti | Alonso Hernández‐Guerra
Journal article
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (2024)
Guarino, M.-V. | Gardner, C.S. | Feng, W. | Funke, B. | García-Comas, M. | López-Puertas, M. | Kupilas, M.M. | Marsh, D.R. | Plane, J.M.C.
Journal article
PLOS ONE (2024)
Joshua Talib | James Colborn | Abayomi A. Abatan | Remy HoekSpaans | Edmund I. Yamba | Temitope S. Egbebiyi | Cyril Caminade | Anne Jones | Cathryn E. Birch | Oladapo M. Olagbegi | Andrew P. Morse

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All publications
Journal article
Geophysical Research Letters (2024)
Shuai Li | Fred Kucharski | Jie Yang | ZhiQiang Gong | Yuxuan Zhao | Guolin Feng
Book chapter
Climate Change and Global Health (2024)
Colin D. Butler, | Cyril Caminade | Andrew P. Morse
Journal article
Climate Dynamics (2024)
Lou, W. | Sun, C. | Kucharski, F. | Li, J. | Liu, Y.
Journal article
Climate Dynamics (2024)
Rashid, I.U. | Abid, M.A. | Osman, M. | Kucharski, F. | Ashfaq, M. | Weisheimer, A. | Almazroui, M. | Torres-Alavez, J.A. | Afzaal, M.
Journal article
Ocean Science (2024)
Arthur Prigent | Riccardo Farneti
Journal article
Scientific Reports (2024)
Rodrigue Anicet Imbol Koungue | Peter Brandt | Arthur Prigent | Léo Costa Aroucha | Joke Lübbecke | Arielle Stela N. Imbol Nkwinkwa | Marcus Dengler | Noel Keenlyside
Journal article
Water Resources Research (2024)
Mame Diarra Bousso Dieng | Adrian M. Tompkins | Joël Arnault | Ali Sié | Benjamin Fersch | Patrick Laux | Maximilian Schwarz | Pascal Zabré | Stephen Munga | Sammy Khagayi | Ibrahima Diouf | Harald Kunstmann
Journal article
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (2024)
Luca Caporaso | Gregory Duveiller | Graziano Giuliani | Filippo Giorgi | Martin Stengel | Emanuele Massaro | Matteo Piccardo | Alessandro Cescatti
Journal article
Climate Dynamics (2024)
Arthur Prigent | Rodrigue Anicet Imbol Koungue | Joke F. Lübbecke | Peter Brandt | Jan Harlaß | Mojib Latif
Journal article
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans (2024)
Cristina Arumí‐Planas | Shenfu Dong | Renellys Perez | Matthew J. Harrison | Riccardo Farneti | Alonso Hernández‐Guerra
Journal article
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (2024)
Guarino, M.-V. | Gardner, C.S. | Feng, W. | Funke, B. | García-Comas, M. | López-Puertas, M. | Kupilas, M.M. | Marsh, D.R. | Plane, J.M.C.
Journal article
PLOS ONE (2024)
Joshua Talib | James Colborn | Abayomi A. Abatan | Remy HoekSpaans | Edmund I. Yamba | Temitope S. Egbebiyi | Cyril Caminade | Anne Jones | Cathryn E. Birch | Oladapo M. Olagbegi | Andrew P. Morse
Journal article
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science (2024)
Horan, M.F. | Kucharski, F. | Johnson, N. | Ashfaq, M.
Journal article
Infectious Diseases of Poverty (2024)
Judicaël OBAME-NKOGHE | Adjoavi Esse Agossou | Gerald Mboowa | Basile Kamgang | Cyril Caminade | Dawn C. Duke | Andrew Karanja Githeko | Obed M. Ogega | Nestor Engone Elloué | Fatou Bintou Sarr | Dieudonné Nkoghe ...
Journal article
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science (2024)
Faranda, D. | Ginesta, M. | Alberti, T. | Coppola, E. | Anzidei, M.
Journal article
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science (2024)
Fosser, G. | Gaetani, M. | Kendon, E.J. | Adinolfi, M. | Ban, N. | Belušić, D. | Caillaud, C. | Careto, J.A.M. | Coppola, E. | Demory, M.-E. | de Vries, H. | Dobler, A. | Feldmann, H. | Goergen, K. | Lenderink, G. ...
Journal article
Climate Dynamics (2024)
Müller, S.K. | Pichelli, E. | Coppola, E. | Berthou, S. | Brienen, S. | Caillaud, C. | Demory, M.-E. | Dobler, A. | Feldmann, H. | Mercogliano, P. | Tölle, M. | de Vries, H.
Journal article
Weather and Climate Dynamics (2024)
Franco Molteni | Fred Kucharski | Riccardo Farneti
Journal article
Environmental Research Letters (2024)
Horan, M.F. | Kucharski, F. | Ashfaq, M.
Journal article
Scientific Reports (2024)
Alizée Chemison | Gilles Ramstein | Anne Jones | Andy Morse | Cyril Caminade
Journal article
Parasites & Vectors (2024)
Elena Arsevska | Tomislav Hengl | David A. Singleton | Peter-John M. Noble | Cyril Caminade | Obiora A. Eneanya | Philip H. Jones | Jolyon M. Medlock | Kayleigh M. Hansford | Carmelo Bonannella | Alan D. Radford
Journal article
Climate Dynamics (2024)
Ruggieri, P. | Abid, M.A. | García-Serrano, J. | Grancini, C. | Kucharski, F. | Pascale, S. | Volpi, D.
Journal article
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology (2023)
Chadwick, M. | Sime, L.C. | Allen, C.S. | Guarino, M.-V.
Journal article
Climate of the Past (2023)
Guarino, M.V. | Sime, L.C. | Diamond, R. | Ridley, J. | Schroeder, D.
Journal article
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (2023)
Giovanni Biagioli | Adrian Mark Tompkins
Journal article
Nature Climate Change (2023)
Maria-Vittoria Guarino | Louise C. Sime | David Schröeder | Irene Malmierca-Vallet | Erica Rosenblum | Mark Ringer | Jeff Ridley | Danny Feltham | Cecilia Bitz | Eric J. Steig | Eric Wolff | Julienne Stroeve | Alistair Sellar
Journal article
Earth Systems and Environment (2023)
da Rocha, R.P. | Llopart, M. | Reboita, M.S. | Bettolli, M.L. | Solman, S. | Fernández, J. | Milovac, J. | Feijoó, M. | Coppola, E.
Journal article
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (2023)
Giorgi, F. | Coppola, E. | Giuliani, G. | Ciarlo`, J.M. | Pichelli, E. | Nogherotto, R. | Raffaele, F. | Malguzzi, P. | Davolio, S. | Stocchi, P. | Drofa, O.
Journal article
Geophysical Research Letters (2023)
A. Prigent | R. A. Imbol Koungue | A. S. N. Imbol Nkwinkwa | G. Beobide‐Arsuaga | R. Farneti
Journal article
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (2023)
Strada, S. | Pozzer, A. | Giuliani, G. | Coppola, E. | Solmon, F. | Jiang, X. | Guenther, A. | Bourtsoukidis, E. | Serça, D. | Williams, J. | Giorgi, F.

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