Maria Vittoria Guarino

Postdoctoral Fellows
Postdoctoral Fellow
Maria Vittoria Guarino
+39 040 2240 133
+39 040 2240 133
I am an Atmospheric Scientist and Numerical Modeller based at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) - Earth System Physics, and Honorary Research Fellow at the British Antarctic Survey (Cambridge, UK).

I study the atmosphere (lower- and upper- layers) and the coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean system by means of numerical models. I am particularly interested in atmospheric gravity wave propagation and breaking, and in the large-scale coupling between the atmosphere and the ocean.  

My research at the ICTP concerns the coupling between the atmosphere and the ocean at the polar regions via sea ice. In particular, I investigate how sea ice is influenced by the parameterised orographic gravity wave drag in climate models. 

On the topics of gravity wave modelling and climate at the polar regions I collaborate with researchers across various international institutions, among these: University of Leeds, UK Met Office, British Antarctic Survey. 


My webpages

Personal website 

British Antarctic Survey 

University of Leeds 


Google Scholar


Research Projects

2014 - 2017 GLIMFLO - Global to Local IMpacts of FLow over Orography (Phd Student) 

2017 - 2020 Retreat of Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice, 127 000 years BP (Lead Post-doc)

2017 - 2021 CMIP6 - Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (Contributing Author to PMIP) 

2020 - 2022 WAVECHASM - Wave-Induced Transport of Chemically Active Species in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere (Research Fellow)

2022 - present WAVECHASM (Project Collaborator)

2022 - present  Sensitivity of Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice to Orographic Gravity Wave Drag


my research in a pic


Journal article
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (2024)
Maria‐Vittoria Guarino | Chester S. Gardner | Wuhu Feng | Bernd Funke | Maya García‐Comas | Manuel López‐Puertas | Marcin M. Kupilas | Daniel R. Marsh | John M. C. Plane
Journal article
Nature Climate Change (2023)
Maria-Vittoria Guarino | Louise C. Sime | David Schröeder | Irene Malmierca-Vallet | Erica Rosenblum | Mark Ringer | Jeff Ridley | Danny Feltham | Cecilia Bitz | Eric J. Steig | Eric Wolff | Julienne Stroeve | Alistair Sellar
Journal article
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology (2023)
M. Chadwick | L. C. Sime | C. S. Allen | M.‐V. Guarino
Journal article
Climate of the Past (2023)
Maria Vittoria Guarino | Louise C. Sime | Rachel Diamond | Jeff Ridley | David Schroeder
Journal article
Climate of the Past (2021)
Masa Kageyama | Louise C. Sime | Marie Sicard | Maria-Vittoria Guarino | Anne de Vernal | Ruediger Stein | David Schroeder | Irene Malmierca-Vallet | Ayako Abe-Ouchi | Cecilia Bitz | Pascale Braconnot | Esther C. Brady ...
Journal article
The Cryosphere (2021)
Rachel Diamond | Louise C. Sime | David Schroeder | Maria-Vittoria Guarino
Journal article
Nature Climate Change (2020)
Maria-Vittoria Guarino | Louise C. Sime | David Schröeder | Irene Malmierca-Vallet | Erica Rosenblum | Mark Ringer | Jeff Ridley | Danny Feltham | Cecilia Bitz | Eric J. Steig | Eric Wolff | Julienne Stroeve | Alistair Sellar
Journal article
Climate of the Past (2020)
Josephine R. Brown | Chris M. Brierley | Soon-Il An | Maria-Vittoria Guarino | Samantha Stevenson | Charles J. R. Williams | Qiong Zhang | Anni Zhao | Ayako Abe-Ouchi | Pascale Braconnot | Esther C. Brady | Deepak Chandan ...
Journal article
Climate of the Past (2020)
Charles J. R. Williams | Maria-Vittoria Guarino | Emilie Capron | Irene Malmierca-Vallet | Joy S. Singarayer | Louise C. Sime | Daniel J. Lunt | Paul J. Valdes
Journal article
Geophysical Research Letters (2020)
John Turner | Maria Vittoria Guarino | Jack Arnatt | Babula Jena | Gareth J. Marshall | Tony Phillips | C. C. Bajish | Kyle Clem | Zhaomin Wang | Tom Andersson | Eugene J. Murphy | Rachel Cavanagh
Journal article
Geoscientific Model Development (2020)
Maria-Vittoria Guarino | Louise C. Sime | David Schroeder | Grenville M. S. Lister | Rosalyn Hatcher
Journal article
Science Advances (2019)
Paolo Scussolini | Pepijn Bakker | Chuncheng Guo | Christian Stepanek | Qiong Zhang | Pascale Braconnot | Jian Cao | Maria-Vittoria Guarino | Dim Coumou | Matthias Prange | Philip J. Ward | Hans Renssen | Masa Kageyama ...
Journal article
Guarino, Maria Vittoria | Teixeira, Miguel A. C. | Keller, Teddie L. | Sharman, Robert D.
Journal article
Guarino, Maria-Vittoria | Teixeira, Miguel A. C.
Journal article
Guarino, Maria Vittoria | Teixeira, Miguel A. C. | Ambaum, Maarten H. P.

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Date                             Speaker                                Topic 

23   October                Alessandro Raganato         Tropical to extra-tropical teleconnections  

31   October                Arthur Prigent                      Tropic Atlantic variability in OMIP…