
quantum mechanics

Professor Cumrun Vafa at String Math 2024
An interview with Cumrun Vafa, Harvard Professor and ICTP Distinguished Staff Associate
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Rosario Fazio, Head of CMSP Section
ICTP’s CMSP section explores various key areas of theoretical condensed matter physics
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Call for nominations, Walter Kohn Prize
Walter Kohn Prize for quantum-mechanical materials modeling
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Call for nominations, Walter Kohn Prize
Walter Kohn Prize for quantum-mechanical materials modeling
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Call for nominations, Walter Kohn Prize
Walter Kohn Prize for quantum-mechanical materials modeling
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Three share prize for building foundations of quantum information science
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics