ICTP researchers Cyril Caminade and Maria Vittoria Guarino, both in ICTP’s Earth System Physics section, are among the scientists featured in the new season of the science outreach podcast "Alla Ricerca", produced jointly by several Trieste science institutes and the Italian national radio service RAI.
Each episode of the podcast is created by students enrolled in the Master of Science Communication “Franco Prattico” programme at the Trieste-based International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA). The episodes feature scientists working in Trieste and in its region, Friuli Venezia Giulia, to learn more about ways in which their work can help us live more sustainably.
How can reading food labels more carefully help us reduce food waste? How does learning about ancient weather inform us on future climate changes? How can knowing more about the heart help us fight tumours? These are only some of the questions asked by students Debora Lamcja, Elena Toti and Francesca Trinchini, in the third season of the podcast, which started on 7 January.
The episodes featuring ICTP scientists Cyril Caminade and Maria Vittoria Guarino will be aired starting the week of 13 January.
Cyril Caminade discusses what we know about the connection between the spreading of infectious diseases and climate change in an episode entitled ‘Zanzare intercontinentali: la Dengue in Italia’ (Intercontinental mosquitoes: dengue in Italy), which will be broadcast on 14 January.
Maria Vittoria Guarino explains how we can use climate modelling to understand the evolution of climate in the South Pole, in an episode entitled ‘Da Trieste al Polo Sud’ (From Trieste to the South Pole), which will be broadcast on 28 January.
New episodes will come out every Tuesday until 11 February as part of the radio programme Radar, on air from 11:20 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Rai Radio 1 FVG. They will all be available for streaming on: https://www.raiplaysound.it/programmi/allaricerca
‘Alla Ricerca’ is produced thanks to a collaboration between the local broadcast company RAI Friuli Venezia Giulia, and the science institutes Area Science Park, SISSA, and ICTP.