ICTP seeks applications for one postdoctoral position from outstanding young scientists with a strong research record.
The position is in the Earth System Physics (ESP) section in the broad areas of climate dynamics, climate variability and ocean-atmosphere interactions. The ESP section provides a vibrant international research environment with an intense programme of workshops and conferences. Postdoctoral fellows are also encouraged, and supported, to participate in activities in developing countries in order to promote the mission of ICTP.
The ICTP takes seriously its commitment to equal opportunity and diversity in hiring, and in its global mission to promote science in the developing world.
Fellows must have completed a PhD in Meteorology, Oceanography, Climate Dynamics or related disciplines prior to the start of their Fellowship. Candidates who have experience in the research areas mentioned above and who obtained their PhD after 2017 will be given priority.
ICTP offers internationally competitive remuneration and a number of benefits. The appointment will be initially made for one year. Candidates should apply through the ICTP online application system.
Application deadline: 31 July 2022
Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted by e-mail after the selection process (mid -August).
Contact: esp@ictp.it
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