
Nature Geoscience Highlight

Research on asymmetry in mantle below ocean floors appears in March issue
Nature Geoscience Highlight

Three-dimensional seismic imaging of the upper 300km of the Earth by ICTP researcher Giuliano Panza, along with Carlo Doglioni from La Sapienza in Rome and Anatoly Levshin of the University of Colorado, has revealed asymmetry in the Earth mantle below ocean basins. Results of the research were published earlier this year in Geology magazine, and are now featured as a Research Highlight in the March issue of Nature Geoscience.

Panza and his co-researchers looked at cross sections of the three major mid-ocean ridges (Pacific, Atlantic and Indian ridges) and found thicker lithosphere and higher seismic velocities along the western limbs of the ridges as compared to the eastern limbs of the same ridges. The researchers believe this may be a result of mantle depletion along the ocean rifts and of the westward migration of the ridges and the lithosphere relative to the mantle.

Panza leads ICTP's group on the Structure and Nonlinear Dynamics of the Earth.

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