
College on Optics and Energy

How to use optics, photonics for energy production
College on Optics and Energy

Solar energy is a promising, affordable resource for developing countries. The use of optics and photonics for light harvesting and photovoltaics play key roles in solar energy production and are the main topics of ICTP's annual Winter College on Optics, being held from 8 to 19 February in Trieste.

This year's theme, "Optics and Energy", will cover a wide range of topics related to the applications of optics and photonics for energy production and saving. Through a combination of lectures and laboratory demonstrations, participants will learn about transport in semiconductors, radiation-matter interaction, and optical properties of photovoltaic systems, among others.

A limited number of participants have opted to arrive at ICTP a week early for the College's preparatory school, aimed at teaching participants the advanced mathematical methods they need to fully master the College's topics.

The Winter College on Optics and Energy is co-sponsored by:

  • International Commission for Optics
  • Optical Society of America
  • International Society for Optics and Photonics
  • European Optics Society
  • Societa Italiana di Ottica e Fotonica
  • US National Academy of Science
  • IEEE Photonics Society
  • Central European Initiative
More details about the College are available on its website


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