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Report summarizing Centre achievements now available
Ernesto Lupercio giving his acceptance speech.
Mexican mathematician claimed the prestigious international award Tuesday at ICTP
The ICTP wireless training kit is making waves
Poincare's way of representing a hyperbolic plane in a Euclidean plane.
Colloquium describes how a young man proved a fundamental theorem
Mauro Giacca, director of ICGEB
Lecture reveals connections between physics, gene therapy
Conference presenter Marcos Rigol
ICTP hosts a workshop on the dynamics of strongly correlated quantum systems
New ICTP grant programme supports training, research in renewable energy
ICTP scientist Goran Senjanovic
Particle physics festival celebrates Goran Senjanovic
ICTP scientist Claudio Piani (front centre) with students at the Summer School on Water in the Anthropocene
Scientists conduct Earth system physics workshop at United World College
ICTP Assistant Director Claudio Tuniz with IAEA representative Françoise Mulhauser at the SESAME facilities in Jordan.
ICTP details programme of joint activities with Jordan facility
Jan S. Nilsson
Jan S. Nilsson, 1932 - 2010
ICTP Prize recipient Marcelo Barreiro
Event honours climate scientist from Uruguay