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Claudio Tuniz, head of ICTP's MLab, discussing research activities at the 2 March building dedication ceremony.
Trieste institutes celebrate joint purchase of MLab building
Dr. Praveen Chaudhari
Praveen Chaudhari
Luigi Stasi's son and widow next to a memorial plaque that will be placed at the entrance to the Luigi Stasi Seminar Room.
Luigi Stasi remembered for vital role in ICTP's founding
Workshop participants display their homemade antennas, built with help from ICTP lecturer Carlo Fonda (far left).
Workshop attendees learn to build and secure wireless networks
Katepalli R. Sreenivasan
AAAS honours Sreenivasan's international efforts
Mendonca (centre), with ICTP Director Fernando Quevedo (left, with Mrs. Quevedo),  and ICO President Maria Calvo (right) and ICTP researcher Joseph Niemela.
Brazilian physicist cited for work bridging optics, chemistry
Project steering committee finalizing training activities. From left: Mike Nxele and Robert Shaw of ITU, and Marco Zennaro and Sandro Radicella of ICTP.
Project to improve wireless networking in Africa
photovoltaic cells
How to use optics, photonics for energy production
Example of a simple openEyA hardware setup.
ICTP aids online learning in developing countries
Physics for the Birds
Giorgio Parisi lecture at ICTP looks at complex, disordered systems
ICTP physicist Erio Tosatti (top right corner) lecturing at nanophysics workshop in Hanoi.
Centre holds nanophysics workshop in Hanoi
Work based on former ICTP Diploma student's thesis