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Vladimir Arnol'd, 1937-2010
Kavli Prizes 2010
Awards for astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience
World Science Festival
Festival events available to view online via live streaming video
Workshop participants in Algiers.
ICTP trains young scientists in pre-earthquake disaster studies
ICTP hosts Spring College on Computational Nanoscience
Roberto Car and Michele Parrinello
2009 Medallists Car and Parrinello honoured in Trieste
School participants at Addis Ababa University
ICTP workshop promotes low-cost, nano-structured photovoltaics
Haiti, January 2010
ICTP helps developing countries reduce vulnerability to earthquakes
Paper appears in Nature Nanotechnology
ICTP in Nigeria
Delegation offers science and technology advice to National Assembly
Clement Onime (centre) reviewing NASS technology.
ICTP experts review Nigerian National Assembly IT infrastructure
ICTP, Italy Research Partnership
Centre signs agreement with Italian National Research Council